Thursday, July 31, 2008


It was saturday, and I've already getting ready for what will come out from my girl Linlin's lip.

"Let's go out Mimim!", shouted her. Its nice to see your girl happy like this. But the con's part is that she asked a really lazy guy, her boyfriend apparently, to go out from a nice cozy house, to a very annoying place thats full of people. A shopping mall. Btw, she even got her own nice blog about shopping. Check it out here.

Okay, so, after I've hardly decided to go out. Guess what, my lil' short still doesn't had any idea where to head to. She asked me, "Where to go?" while I was getting ready to poke the car key inside the keyhole.

This is my answer, "...." <---- Why don't you just use your imagination.... To make it short, we just drove to One Utama. Maybe while we are inside the car, an idea just poke inside my girl's head and giving us a next guidance for our next destination. Eating dessert! Just nice for a sweet-tooth like me-self. I just followed her, from the parking lot until inside the mall. After walking a while, we are THERE. A DELICIOUS cafe (that's the name, btw) in One UTAMA. A nice looking cafe. And for extra point, it was also very romantic. A quiet place with a dim light. (Yes, a cafe with a dim light. I also rubbed my eyes couple of times there.) She ordered a nice dessert for both of us. With a price of RM13.90, that is more than 4 dollar if you asked, a nice CHOCOLICIOUS SUNDAE. A long-and-hard-pronounce-but-cute-name ice-cream based dessert.
This is the picture:

This is ten minutes after that: I admit it. Its nice. You know why? First, because its quite cheap. One box of strawberries is more than RM12, right? And this sugar-rush-giver stuff was full of strawberries. Nice... second reason, is just because it was delicious! Errr, I mean CHOCOLICIOUS!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I was walking pass through a lift, and I noticed a big poster near the lift doors. A GARAGE SALE! You know why I'm so happy? Because a garage sale is one of the big advantage to live in a place thats full of foreign students. We can get a lot of good stuff with a very cheap price. So, what am I waiting for? Fifteen second later, me and Lin already in front of C2-8-8 unclosed door. A lot of shoes outside. Making me nervous, wondering if all the good stuff has been sold out. FYI, I don't even know if they had a good stuff in the first place. The owner of the house are actually Indonesian students, they are going back to their country, and set up the garage sale for easy cleaning. At the end of the day, guess what i got?

Watch this....

Comic books and Lost DVD set SEASON 2.
The price, guess how much dude... One book is actually RM1. LOL. Even one DVD is RM1. Nice right?

Now see this...

It' s a hamster cage. (More like a condominium I think...).
The price is RM30, its like USD7. And FREE one hamster! It's a Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster! A Female! Named Bi (pronounce 'bee')!

Wait, there's another one. Consume this!

It's a guitar suit! How much you said? Now guess! Drum roll please....
RM5!!! It's like USD1!

So, if you see any poster telling about garage sale near ya place, don't waste any time. Run!


Shogun is a restaurant with Japan as its main theme. It is a really nice place because with RM60++ (if you want the detail, you can check on the net. Try googled 'Shogun Malaysia'), you can eat as much as you want. Yes, its a B-U-F-F-E-T! Why this place's nice you asked? The first reason has been given by me. It is a buffet type of restaurant. Second reason, Shogun prepared a lot of section for their food. Eastern and Western, Northern and Southern. Just Kidding. I think theres only Eastern and Western. This is the result for eating at Shogun...
The food are effecting the brain... Actually the two of them are so happy with the food. The left-guy is ME. And the right one is Davis Zhang Da. My best friend in Cyberia. That was the first time he ate there. And he doesn't know about this picture on the net. Shhhhsss...

Why did you started to write a blog? Are you trying to make the whole people around the world feeling bored?

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you, a new blog by me. This is actually the second blog. The first one is I don't know if I can call that one 'a blog' because it has only two posts. Lame.

Oh yeah, did you notice the title of this post? It's a question right? And this is the answer: I write a blog because I'm lazy to write a diary. (I'd also have this thought about a guy writing a diary. Creepy guy! I'm sure I doesn't want to be anywhere near him! Why don't just leave the diary-thingy to girls...)

The second reason is that I just want to be proud of my life and I want every single person in this world to know that! .........okay, okay, I admit it. I've started this blog because I've been forced by my girl. (Yes, I have a girlfriend. Her name is Roslin Ain <--- one lame way to introduce my girlfriend...)

There's no third reason. I just don't like to blabla a lot.(that's 'blogging' if you are wondering. Get it? Ah... whatever...) So, without anymore blabla (and again...) I hope you guys enjoy reading my blog. Because I still doesn't want my energy of writing this long blog go to waste. Chio!

The cute monkey picture is belongs to Please don't sue me. I got no money.


Dah hari Isnin, sebab dah lepas pukul 12 time tu. Roslin call, kata nak ajak gi Downtown sebab tak dapat tidur. Actually I know why dia tak dapat tidur, sebab pukul sembilan tadi kami gerak ke Alamanda, sebab as my promise to her, I will buy her a dress, or shirt, untuk dipakai bagi hari pertama dia bekerja permanent.

Sampai sana dah agak lambat, so walaupun sempat tengok semua kedai, bila nak decide dah tak dapat, sebab satu persatu kedai turunkan gate besi diorang. So kitorang just window shop jelah time tu. Kesian kat Lin, sebab tak dapat beli apa dia nak. And macam biasalah, kalau dia tak dapat, it will end as me yang dapat something. So I got cookies dari Famous Amos sebab Lin time ni tengah kaya. Kalau nak tahu, bila dia kaya je, I will be the victim untuk dia spend duit. Walaupun best bunyinya, tapi agak memalukan, sebab it's always her yang belanja me.

Dalam kereta time balik, Lin just kunci mulut, senyum pun nak tak nak je. Sebabnya, takde baju untuk esok. Senang cakap, benda yang diimpikan tak kesampaian. I tried to cheer her up dalam kereta, buat lawak bodoh la, jerit tiba-tiba la, tapi tetap tak berjaya. Dia just angguk, tak pun geleng. Berat hati tengok dia macam tu. Then, suddenly je, dia bukak mulut, bagi cadangan... "Mim, jom, gi downtown...".

Malam tu kitorang keluar pukul satu lebih, sebab pukul dua belas tadi I was out playing Futsal for the first time kat Creasent (tak tahu eja betul ke salah...). Sebenarnya nak main basketball dengan Davis (kawan baik dari China), tapi pak arab dengan kawan Davis dah cop dulu padang tu. So kitorang just main je la. Lepas habis satu game (I scored once je) baru kitorang main basketball. Balik dari main baru gerak gi downtown.

On the way gi bandar bawah (downtown, hihihi) ni, kitorang sesat gak. Sebabnya, roundabout kat cheras tu kena tutup, so kitorang tak perasan tanda dia (agak besar gak ah tanda dia tu) suruh amek alternate way.

Time kitorang menuju ke HUKM, tiba-tiba nampak banyak kereta park tepi jalan. And then ada la tiga empat buah kereta ni park atas jalan (serious... ATAS jalanraya tengah-tengah lane betul-betul...). Kitorang just marah je la sebab ada ke patut buat macam tu. Boleh accident orang lain sebab kereta-kereta tu. Lepas je lampu isyarat, time tu la Lin sedar, tempat tadi tu la destinasi kitorang downtown. Apalagi terus pusing balik.

Sampai je sana, tempat tu still meriah walaupun banyak kedai dah turunkan gate besi gak. I mean, dah tutup. Sebab diorang bukak kul 10 malam sampai 4 pagi je. Ada kedai tu sampai pukul 3 dah tutup. Takpelah, sempat gak kitorang tengok apa yang ada kat sana.

There, ada jual kasut-kasut, baju, jam tangan, patung-patung, lilin wangi (tak kena masuk dalam kategori ni kan? Nak tau sebab apa masuk gak? Sebab Lin beli satu set kat situ. RM15.) kacamata gelap, baju askar dan polis (???), lighter and banyak lagi lah benda-benda yang nampak mahal tapi murah.

I end up beli cover phone nokia dengan earphone, habis RM30. Lin lak beli alat make up dengan lilin tadi. Kitorang tak beli banyak, sebab kedai banyak dah gulung. Tapi tak hampa la balik.

On the way balik, kitorang sempat tengok satu kedai ni, jual mainan RC. Radio Control. Brader penjaga ni sporting gak ah, sebab apa, bila kitorang tanya pasal helikopter, dia terang habis-habisan. And yang kelakarnya, dia kata kalau kitorang beli helikopter tu (RM250), kitorang boleh la gi join kawan-kawan dia main kat tepi Tasik Permaisuri dengan kawan-kawan dia. Dia ajar la cara-cara nak gi tengok group kengkawan dia ni. Cara dia bercerita tu macam suruh kitorang masuk dalam semak, cari group tu. Terbayang la group dia ni main RC dalam semak gelap-gelap sambil tampar nyamuk yang hinggap kat kaki. Sealed

Sebelum sampai Cyber, Lin decide nak grab a bite kat McD. So bila teringat McD, teringat la kat brader kitorang ni, Along. Tapi hanter mesej, tak reply. Tidur kot. Awalnya tidur, baru pukul empat pagi.

Ok, tak mau la cerita panjang sangat, kitorang just balik lepas makan kat situ. Oh, lagi satu, gi la McD time Euro 2008 nih, boleh dapat french fries percuma. Satu gol, satu kupon french fries. Nice.

Okeh, dah pukul 6.30, I think I want to kiss the pillow now.... GudNite... ZZzzz....


Si Ody
(my best friend sejak mengenal erti sekolah menengah) dah mesej seminggu lagi sebelum tu. Tanya-tanya jadi tak pergi mandi sungai sabtu ni. And me, kredit memang selalu takde. Kesian gak la kat Ody ni kena tanya banyak-banyak tanpa dapat maklumbalas from me. Sms nye lebih kurang macam ni la... "Hamim + Roslin, <--- {selalu ada tanda '+' tu... stail dia menaip sms kot...} korang jadi tak pergi sungai tekala sabtu ni? Nanti reply balik ye." Lebih kurang macam tu gak la dia punya sms. Bunyi macam merayu pun ada, macam tak yakin yang I'm going pun ada. Laughing Oh ya, kitorang sebenarnya decide nak gi Tekala je... slow-slow japgi destinasi berubah jadi Gabai. And Lin lah orang yang paling happy. Sebab last time keta pinjam kitorang pecah gearbox kat jalan nak gi Gabai. So, kitorang tak berapa happy sangat la mandi time tu.

Nak dijadikan cerita pendek, kitorang memang dah decide nak pergi. Cuma takde kredit nak reply. Thehehe. So, kitorang just tunggu si Ody ni call malam hari Jumaat tu (Giler jahat gak aku ni...) Tongue out. Suaranya menanda bukan main berharap lagi dia untuk kedatangan kitorang pada esok hari.

Malam hari Jumaat tu, me and my Lin keluar la gi beli contact lense kat Kajang. Time tu kitorang berdua plan la nak makan apa esok. So selepas decide, kitorang just nak buat sandwich. Senang keje. Tak payah fikir banyak-banyak. Yang bestnye, tukang fikirnya dua, tapi yang tukang buat sandwichnye sorang je. Sape lagi, our Lin la.

Esoknya, me and Lin drive Persona terus ke stesen minyak, and thats the third time kitorang isi minyak selepas petrol naik harga. Rasa sakit sebab harga minyak mahal still menyengat. Sebab nak pergi mandi sungai tu pun kitorang habis dalam RM50 gak untuk minyak kalau tak silap. Lebam poket.

Dari Cyber terus kitorang ke Kajang. Jumpa Hadri (a.k.a Boy) dengan Mariam kat tepi Metro Kajang. Dia dah ada kat sana time kitorang sampai tu. Tengah menunggu dalam Kelisa comelnya. Si Hadri dah siap pakai sweater sleeveless dia (memang nampak cam dah ready nak terjun sungai la senang cakap), dan si Mariam ni lak biasa-biasa je.

Dari situ kitorang berempat (dua kereta) gerak amek Ody kat stesen Shell kat Semenyih. For me, Semenyih is not really a place yang I always go, so kitorang tersilap stesen minyak gak ah time tu. Mana tak nyer, sampai tiga stesen minyak Shell kat tepi jalan. Tapi lepas bertungkus lumus u turn untuk ke stesen Shell yang betul tu (tempat abang Ody tunggu), jumpalah si dia ni dengan Nadia dalam Myvi ibundanya yang tersayang.

From stesen Shell, terus kitorang menuju ke Sungai Tekala. Biler sampai sana je, mak aih. Time tu cuti sekolah dan hari sabtu. Emm... CUTI SEKOLAH + HARI SABTU = Satu kombinasi yang tak menyenangkan bila bercakap tentang mandi sungai... ORANG RAMAI GILER!!! Tak dapat cari parking kitorang time tu. Pusing sana, pusing sini. Sampai ambil jalan u-turn tepi jalan ke kilang papan. Semuanya nak cari parking nyer pasal. Tapi takpelah, sebab lepas tu je, time tu me and Lin still bertungkus-lumus nak u-turn ke tekala balik, terserempak dengan Ody dan Boy. Diorang decide nak ke Gabai. Walla. Thats how we end up kat gabai.

Sebelum sampai Gabai, ada la sorang pak cik hensem ni kat tepi jalan. Pakai seluar pendek dengan wisel warna oren kalau tak silap. Tiup-tiup wisel sambil mengangkat tangan bagai gaya seorang polis trafik yang berseluar ketat. I thought dia ni penjaga jalan ke Sungai Gabai tu. Maklum la, jalan gi sungai tu kan sempit. Mesti la logik kalau ada orang jaga. Then I terus la bukak tingkap tegur dia. I asked, "Ni naik ke Sungai Gabai ker?". And then tak sampai satu saat kemudian, Lin yang reply, "Yang you cakap dengan dia ni kenapa?". I was terkejut gak la kenapa si Girlfriend ku yang sorang ni cakap macam tu. Akhirnya barulah ku sedar, yang pak cik ni Ting-Tong rupanya. Tapi yang bestnye tu, ada kereta 4 wheel drive yang besar dan lawa di depan kitorang, ikut betul-betul apa yang Mr Ting-Tong tu buat. Dia suruh stop, keta tu stop. Dia suruh jalan, keta tu jalan. Wahaha! <---- sedap giler aku gelakkan orang, sebab tak nak Lin ingat yang aku cakap dengan Mr Ting-Tong tu tadi. Malu gak ah sebenarnya... Embarassed

Dipendekkan cerita, mandi air sungai yang sejuk tu memang bestla. Cuma yang tak bestnye ialah time termengah-mengah dekat lima kali time naik tangga. Pergh... penat dowh! Yang hebatnya, Ody dan Nadia ah, giler cepat diorang naik. Tak sabar nak mandi agaknya. Ataupun tak mandi dari pagi (buktinya: sebab diorang bawak semua benda untuk mandi. Syampu? Ada. Berus gigi? Ada. Pencuci muka? Ada. Yang takdenye hanyalah paip shower je. Kalau tak, complete!)

Ohohoho, ada satu citer best kat sini. Time tengah mandi tu, I just baring je kat bawah air terjun tu. Sedap. Rasa macam kene urut kat belakang. Pastu lin datang. Duduk dekat sebelah. Citer2 hal orang lain. Gossip. Time tu ada rasa something kat my tangan. I angkat, rupanya daun. Buang tepi. Then ada lagi rasa kat tangan. Geli. Angkat-angkat, daun lagi. So ni la masalahnya biler dah terbiasa. Jadi tabiat. Pegang, buang tepi. Then, time tu la terpegang sesuatu yang gemuk dan squishy. Cuba teka apa dia? (dengan cara bercakap seorang host rancangan kuiz tv yang terkenal) KATAK HUTAN!!! Katak tu pun terkejut gak agaknya bila diangkat, dia terus melompat ke arah lin. Time tu nampak kaki dia yang berotot dan panjang tu. Lin menjerit giler-giler cari orang untuk menyelamatkan diri. Agaknya time tu dia nak gi kat boyfriend dia a.k.a aku, katak tu ada kat arah aku. So dia gi ke arah Ody dan Hadri. Hahaha. Menjerit-jerit gak ah dia. Apa taknya. Aku pun menjerit gak. Geli dowh Money mouth. Besar tu katak hutan tu. Besar niii... <--- tengah buat signal tangan menunjukkan betapa besarnya katak tu.