Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Shogun is a restaurant with Japan as its main theme. It is a really nice place because with RM60++ (if you want the detail, you can check on the net. Try googled 'Shogun Malaysia'), you can eat as much as you want. Yes, its a B-U-F-F-E-T! Why this place's nice you asked? The first reason has been given by me. It is a buffet type of restaurant. Second reason, Shogun prepared a lot of section for their food. Eastern and Western, Northern and Southern. Just Kidding. I think theres only Eastern and Western. This is the result for eating at Shogun...
The food are effecting the brain... Actually the two of them are so happy with the food. The left-guy is ME. And the right one is Davis Zhang Da. My best friend in Cyberia. That was the first time he ate there. And he doesn't know about this picture on the net. Shhhhsss...

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